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Summer Beam Books

Sensitive Permaculture by Alanna Moore

Sensitive Permaculture by Alanna Moore

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Sensitive Permaculture
Contributor(s): Moore, Alanna (Author)

ISBN: 0975778226    EAN: 9780975778227
Publisher: Python Press
US SRP: $22.00 US 
Binding: Paperback
Copyright Date: 2009
Pub Date: November 13, 2009
Physical Info: 0.31" H x 8.27" L x 5.83" W (0.4 lbs) 144 pages

'Sensitive Permaculture - Cultivating the way of the sacred Earth' explores the living energies of the land and how to connect with them. Drawing on indigenous wisdom from Australia, Ireland and elsewhere it combines the insights of geomancy and geobiology with eco-smart permaculture design, offering an exciting new paradigm for sustainable living. Brimming with practical tips for eco-spiritual gardeners, it encourages us to live sustainably in harmonious co-operation and sacred custodianship of Country.

"The day my copy arrived of Alanna's book 'Sensitive Permaculture' I lounged under a tree to have a read. Well, even just the first page made me think and then question all I had done to date and many more Permies like me I have met worldwide doing the same.... In my Permaculture Design Course teaching I now include the other half of design thinking under the 4th Ethic, 'Care of Spirit' [and] I use this book now as part of day one to provide a balance between straight science over thinking and nature. I suggest you read this book with an open mind and heart and see what might happen for you. Thanks Alanna for changing the last ten years for me." - Peter Russell ('Pete the Permie'), 2020, Melbourne, Australia.

"[The book] draws on indigenous wisdom from Australia, Ireland and elsewhere as it explores Earth lore and the traditions of nature-based spirituality, while offering loads of useful tips for eco-spiritual gardeners. Intriguing, practical and full of passion and wisdom, this book follows on from where Moore's Stone Age Farming left off." - Slow Magazine, Australia, Feb. 2010.

"An adventure in magical and practical Earth awareness." - Nexus magazine, Australia, March 2012.

"A very practical and thoughtful guide for the eco-spiritual gardener, bringing awareness to the invisible dimensions of our landscape." - Rainbow News, New Zealand, March 2010.

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