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Summer Beam Books

Practical Blacksmithing Part 2 (Vol. III & IV) by M T Richardson

Practical Blacksmithing Part 2 (Vol. III & IV) by M T Richardson

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Practical Blacksmithing Part 2 (Vol. III & IV) by M T Richardson

ISBN: 1879335824    EAN: 9781879335820
Publisher: Astragal Press 
Binding: Paperback
Copyright Date: 1998
Pub Date: March 01, 1998
Physical Info: 2.33" H x 9.02" L x 6.07" W (3.35 lbs) 608 pages

M.T. Richardson's four classic books on blacksmithing are back in print in two, easy to handle volumes. Together, these books provide an invaluable basic resource for the modern day practitioner of this ancient craft. The carriage owner or restorer can, with Richardson's help, understand how pieces were originally made and fitted together, and how they can be replicated today. The tool user and collector will relish the discovery of old tools and equipment, some no longer available commercially, or even in current use. Historians and Americana enthusiasts will be able to glimpse the past with a better understanding of the mindset and aesthetics of an earlier time. And the blacksmith, through Richardson's emphasis on technique and craftsmanship, and his straightforward prose and illustrations, will be better able to understand smithing's central processes.

Part Two (Volumes III and IV) guides the reader through descriptions of more of the central smithing processes: welding, brazing, soldering, forging, cutting, bending, setting and tempering. It will be of particular interest to those working on carriages, as it includes information on how to work with such things as carriage irons, wagons, tires, horseshoes, axles and springs...and how to make a bobsled.

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