Building Dry-Stack Stone Walls by Rob Gallagher
Building Dry-Stack Stone Walls by Rob Gallagher
Building Dry-Stack Stone Walls by Rob Gallagher
A dry-stack stone wall is a project that almost anyone can build, and it will last well over a century if built correctly. Like most projects, knowing all of the steps involved is critical to ensure a safe and solid job. This book provides thorough, step-by-step procedures for three projects using stones of various sizes from the smallest all the way up to boulders, with a focus on a safe work environment. Learn a system for planning a project, and proceed through all the steps required to completion. A gallery of wall images will inspire you to start stacking.
Rob Gallagher founded a handyman business called The Odds & Ends Company, Inc. in Southestern Pennsylvania 12 years ago. He has since partnered with his co-authors and together they have over 30 years of experience.