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Summer Beam Books

A Timbered Choir: The Sabbath Poems 1979-1997 by Wendell Berry

A Timbered Choir: The Sabbath Poems 1979-1997 by Wendell Berry

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A Timbered Choir: The Sabbath Poems 1979-1997 by Wendell Berry
ISBN: 1582430063    EAN: 9781582430065
Publisher: Counterpoint LLC  
Binding: Paperback
Copyright Date: 1999
Pub Date: March 19, 1999
Physical Info: 0.7" H x 8.0" L x 5.0" W (0.5 lbs) 240 pages

Berry’s Sabbath Poems embrace much that is elemental to human life―beauty, death, peace, and hope. In his preface, Berry writes about the growing audience for public poetry readings. While he sees poetry in the public eye as a good thing, Berry asks us to recognize the private life of the poem. These Sabbath Poems were written "in silence, in solitude, and mainly out of doors," and tell us about "moments when heart and mind are open and aware."

Wendell Berry is beloved for his quiet, steady explorations of nature, his emphasis on finding good work to do in the world, and his faith in the solace of family, memory, and community. His poetry is assured and unceasingly spiritual; its power lies in the strength of the truths revealed.

Wendell Berry is the author of fifty books of poetry, fiction, and essays. He was recently awarded the Cleanth Brooks Medal for Lifetime Achievement by the Fellowship of Southern Writers and the Louis Bromfield Society Award. For over forty years he has lived and farmed with his wife, Tanya, in Kentucky.

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